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# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
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# National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon
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Autothermal Reformer Flowsheet Optimization with ALAMO Surrogate Object#

Author: Brandon Paul
Maintainer: Brandon Paul
Updated: 2023-06-01

1. Introduction#

This example demonstrates autothermal reformer optimization leveraging the ALAMO surrogate trainer and IDAES Python wrapper. In this notebook, sampled simulation data will be used to train and validate a surrogate model. IDAES surrogate plotting tools will be utilized to visualize the surrogates on training and validation data. Once validated, integration of the surrogate into an IDAES flowsheet will be demonstrated.

2. Problem Statement#

Within the context of a larger NGFC system, the autothermal reformer generates syngas from air, steam and natural gas for use in a solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC).

2.1. Main Inputs:#

  • Bypass fraction (dimensionless) - split fraction of natural gas to bypass AR unit and feed directly to the power island

  • NG-Steam Ratio (dimensionless) - proportion of natural relative to steam fed into AR unit operation

2.2. Main Outputs:#

  • Steam flowrate (kg/s) - inlet steam fed to AR unit

  • Reformer duty (kW) - required energy input to AR unit

  • Composition (dimensionless) - outlet mole fractions of components (Ar, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, CH4, CO, CO2, H2, H2O, N2, O2)

from IPython.display import Image
from pathlib import Path

def datafile_path(name):
    return Path("..") / name


3. Training and Validating Surrogates#

First, let’s import the required Python, Pyomo and IDAES modules:

# Import statements
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Import Pyomo libraries
from pyomo.environ import (
from pyomo.common.timing import TicTocTimer

# Import IDAES libraries
from idaes.core.surrogate.sampling.data_utils import split_training_validation
from idaes.core.surrogate.alamopy import AlamoTrainer, AlamoSurrogate
from idaes.core.surrogate.plotting.sm_plotter import (
from idaes.core.surrogate.surrogate_block import SurrogateBlock
from idaes.core import FlowsheetBlock

3.1 Importing Training and Validation Datasets#

In this section, we read the dataset from the CSV file located in this directory. 2800 data points were simulated from a rigorous IDAES NGFC flowsheet using a grid sampling method. For simplicity and to reduce training runtime, this example randomly selects 100 data points to use for training/validation. The data is separated using an 80/20 split into training and validation data using the IDAES split_training_validation() method.

# Import Auto-reformer training data
np.set_printoptions(precision=6, suppress=True)

csv_data = pd.read_csv(datafile_path("reformer-data.csv"))  # 2800 data points
data = csv_data.sample(n=100)  # randomly sample points for training/validation

input_data = data.iloc[:, :2]
output_data = data.iloc[:, 2:]

# Define labels, and split training and validation data
input_labels = input_data.columns
output_labels = output_data.columns

n_data = data[input_labels[0]].size
data_training, data_validation = split_training_validation(
    data, 0.8, seed=n_data
)  # seed=100

3.2 Training Surrogates with ALAMO#

IDAES provides a Python wrapper for the ALAMO machine learning tool via an imported AlamoTrainer class. Regression settings can be directly set as config attributes, as shown below. In this example, allowed basis term forms include constant and linear functions, monomial power order 2 and 3, variable product power order 1 and 2, and variable ratio power order 1 and 2. ALAMO naturally seeks to minimize the number of basis terms; here, we restrict each surrogate expression to a maximum of 10 basis terms.

Finally, after training the model we save the results and model expressions to a JSON file. Serializing the model in this fashion enables importing a previously trained set of surrogate models into external flowsheets. This feature will be used later.

# capture long output (not required to use surrogate API)
from io import StringIO
import sys

stream = StringIO()
oldstdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = stream

# Create ALAMO trainer object
trainer = AlamoTrainer(

# Set ALAMO options
trainer.config.constant = True
trainer.config.linfcns = True
trainer.config.multi2power = [1, 2]
trainer.config.monomialpower = [2, 3]
trainer.config.ratiopower = [1, 2]
trainer.config.maxterms = [10] * len(output_labels)  # max for each surrogate
trainer.config.filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "alamo_run.alm")
trainer.config.overwrite_files = True

# Train surrogate (calls ALAMO through IDAES ALAMOPy wrapper)
has_alamo = True
    success, alm_surr, msg = trainer.train_surrogate()
except FileNotFoundError as err:
    if "Could not find ALAMO" in str(err):
        print("ALAMO not found. You must install ALAMO to use this notebook")
        has_alamo = False

if has_alamo:
    # save model to JSON
    model = alm_surr.save_to_file("alamo_surrogate.json", overwrite=True)

    # create callable surrogate object

    surrogate_expressions = trainer._results["Model"]
    input_labels = trainer._input_labels
    output_labels = trainer._output_labels
    xmin, xmax = [0.1, 0.8], [0.8, 1.2]
    input_bounds = {
        input_labels[i]: (xmin[i], xmax[i]) for i in range(len(input_labels))

    alm_surr = AlamoSurrogate(
        surrogate_expressions, input_labels, output_labels, input_bounds

    # revert back to normal output capture
    sys.stdout = oldstdout

    # display first 50 lines and last 50 lines of output
    celloutput = stream.getvalue().split("\n")
    for line in celloutput[:50]:
    for line in celloutput[-50:]:

3.3 Visualizing surrogates#

Now that the surrogate models have been trained, the models can be visualized through scatter, parity and residual plots to confirm their validity in the chosen domain. The training data will be visualized first to confirm the surrogates are fit the data, and then the validation data will be visualized to confirm the surrogates accurately predict new output values.

if has_alamo:
    # visualize with IDAES surrogate plotting tools
    surrogate_scatter2D(alm_surr, data_training, filename="alamo_train_scatter2D.pdf")
    surrogate_parity(alm_surr, data_training, filename="alamo_train_parity.pdf")
    surrogate_residual(alm_surr, data_training, filename="alamo_train_residual.pdf")

3.4 Model Validation#

if has_alamo:
    # visualize with IDAES surrogate plotting tools
    surrogate_scatter2D(alm_surr, data_validation, filename="alamo_val_scatter2D.pdf")
    surrogate_parity(alm_surr, data_validation, filename="alamo_val_parity.pdf")
    surrogate_residual(alm_surr, data_validation, filename="alamo_val_residual.pdf")

4. IDAES Flowsheet Integration#

4.1 Build and Run IDAES Flowsheet#

Next, we will build an IDAES flowsheet and import the surrogate model object. A single ALAMO model accounts for all input and output variables, and the JSON model serialized earlier may be imported into a single SurrogateBlock() component.

if has_alamo:
    # create the IDAES model and flowsheet
    m = ConcreteModel()
    m.fs = FlowsheetBlock(dynamic=False)

    # create flowsheet input variables
    m.fs.bypass_frac = Var(
        initialize=0.80, bounds=[0.1, 0.8], doc="natural gas bypass fraction"
    m.fs.ng_steam_ratio = Var(
        initialize=0.80, bounds=[0.8, 1.2], doc="natural gas to steam ratio"

    # create flowsheet output variables
    m.fs.steam_flowrate = Var(initialize=0.2, doc="steam flowrate")
    m.fs.reformer_duty = Var(initialize=10000, doc="reformer heat duty")
    m.fs.AR = Var(initialize=0, doc="AR fraction")
    m.fs.C2H6 = Var(initialize=0, doc="C2H6 fraction")
    m.fs.C3H8 = Var(initialize=0, doc="C3H8 fraction")
    m.fs.C4H10 = Var(initialize=0, doc="C4H10 fraction")
    m.fs.CH4 = Var(initialize=0, doc="CH4 fraction")
    m.fs.CO = Var(initialize=0, doc="CO fraction")
    m.fs.CO2 = Var(initialize=0, doc="CO2 fraction")
    m.fs.H2 = Var(initialize=0, doc="H2 fraction")
    m.fs.H2O = Var(initialize=0, doc="H2O fraction")
    m.fs.N2 = Var(initialize=0, doc="N2 fraction")
    m.fs.O2 = Var(initialize=0, doc="O2 fraction")

    # create input and output variable object lists for flowsheet
    inputs = [m.fs.bypass_frac, m.fs.ng_steam_ratio]
    outputs = [

    # create the Pyomo/IDAES block that corresponds to the surrogate
    # ALAMO
    surrogate = AlamoSurrogate.load_from_file("alamo_surrogate.json")
    m.fs.surrogate = SurrogateBlock()
    m.fs.surrogate.build_model(surrogate, input_vars=inputs, output_vars=outputs)

    # fix input values and solve flowsheet

    solver = SolverFactory("ipopt")
    results = solver.solve(m, tee=True)
    status_obj = None

Let’s print some model results:

if has_alamo:
    print("Steam flowrate = ", value(m.fs.steam_flowrate))
    print("Reformer duty = ", value(m.fs.reformer_duty))
    print("Mole Fraction Ar = ", value(m.fs.AR))
    print("Mole Fraction C2H6 = ", value(m.fs.C2H6))
    print("Mole Fraction C3H8 = ", value(m.fs.C3H8))
    print("Mole Fraction C4H10 = ", value(m.fs.C4H10))
    print("Mole Fraction CH4 = ", value(m.fs.CH4))
    print("Mole Fraction CO = ", value(m.fs.CO))
    print("Mole Fraction CO2 = ", value(m.fs.CO2))
    print("Mole Fraction H2 = ", value(m.fs.H2))
    print("Mole Fraction H2O = ", value(m.fs.H2O))
    print("Mole Fraction N2 = ", value(m.fs.N2))
    print("Mole Fraction O2 = ", value(m.fs.O2))

4.2 Optimizing the Autothermal Reformer#

Extending this example, we will unfix the input variables and optimize hydrogen production. We will restrict nitrogen below 34 mol% of the product stream and leave all other variables unfixed.

Above, variable values are called in reference to actual objects names; however, as shown below this may be done much more compactly by calling the list objects we created earlier.

if has_alamo:
    # unfix input values and add the objective/constraint to the model
    m.fs.obj = Objective(expr=m.fs.H2, sense=maximize)
    m.fs.con = Constraint(expr=m.fs.N2 <= 0.34)

    # solve the model
    tmr = TicTocTimer()
    status = solver.solve(m, tee=True)
    solve_time = tmr.toc("solve")

    # print and check results
    assert abs(value(m.fs.H2) - 0.33) <= 0.01
    assert value(m.fs.N2 <= 0.4 + 1e-8)
    print("Model status: ", status)
    print("Solve time: ", solve_time)
    for var in inputs:
        print(var.name, ": ", value(var))
    for var in outputs:
        print(var.name, ": ", value(var))